
The 14th PhD tour consists of workshops and symposia at several universities, institutes and companies in the UK. For a more detailed list, see Programme.

In order to make this tour possible, we need to mobilize more funding.

This is a great opportunity for you to increase awareness of your company in the field of human nutrition amongst researchers, institutes, companies and universities and, at the same time, contribute greatly to the exchange of scientific knowledge and stimulate innovative research collaborations.

Please contact PhDTour.Nutrition@wur.nl if you are interested to sponsor us.

The committee acknowledges and thanks the following organizations for their sponsorship and support of the PhD Study Tour 2017:

WUR logo VLAG Graduate school Ausnutria Hyproca
proefschfitmaken logo


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PhD tour committee
Wageningen University
Division of Human Nutrition
P.O. Box 17
6700 AA Wageningen
The Netherlands


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This is the official homepage of the PhD Study Tour 2017 organised by PhD candidates of the Division of Human Nutrition of Wageningen University. © 2017 Wageningen UR. All rights reserved.
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